Continuing with my last posting about my shopping trip in Beijing, here is one great moment captured at the antique market that I would like to share with you.
In the antique market, you see lots of young children with their parents, playing, eating, and sleeping at the market (actually the market opens only on Saturdays and Sundays from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Here a little boy from Yuannan province plays alongside his mother, who is selling embroidered blankets, tablecloths, and bags! Which do you like best?
You'll also find puppets at the antique market. Can you find ones we sell?

These are all porcelain, and I'm hesitant to carry those vases because I worry they are too fragile and too big to ship. What do you think?
Do you see anything we sell here?
Here are more brushes. So far we carry only non-professional brushes. Do you need professional ones?
Look at these jade bracelets. Chinese love jade, but I'm not sure if Westerners do. That's why we don't carry very many jade products. Do you wish our jade selection was bigger?

I don't think we'll all learn to play these instruments, but they'd make great home decor pieces. Unfortunately, they're too fragile to ship around, so let's just enjoy this photo!

That's all the photos and highlights I have to share from my latest shopping adventure. Next time, I promise to bring back more. I've enjoyed sharing my experiences with you, and would love to hear your feedback!

I am addicted to these brushes. I enjoy looking for the professional type each time I go to China i find more. In Changzhou I only found 2 shops with any good selection. My wife asks> when will I learn to use them...who knows maybe someday. haha. If you need me to go to China to purchase brushes or Tea in Hangzhou give me a call. hehe
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